Tuesday, November 11, 2008

BSAP08 - Lim Kok Yoong: When You're Not Your Body
VWFA Project Room
14 Nov - 5 Dec 2008

'When You're Not Your Body' is video installation that simulates a process of decentering, where an awareness of the viewer's selfhood is disrupted. Since the beginning of video art practices, one of the key quality that interested artists is its ‘live’ transmission. Video artists since the 60s, like Bruce Nauman and Vito Acconci, have explored this particular quality, creating works that challenges our sense of identity and self in a specific time and place through the effects of video transmission. This transmission provides the viewer with a concrete representation of him/her being in another space (the screening space for instance), while also telling us that we are in ‘here’ (in the gallery space), and this element of displacement can create feelings such as anxiety, alienation or amusement, challenging the way we understand optical perspective and cognition of both time and space. 

By using digital video feed, the viewer is made to confront himself or herself as an 'other', an image or a subject that is separated yet recognisably part of oneself. Through this, the artist hopes to provoke the audience into thinking about the meaning of being in existence.

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